The Coordinators of Focusing in Hungary, Training Therapists and Trainers of Focusing Trainers as well as the members of the Focusing-Oriented Workgroup of the Hungarian Institute for Body Psychotherapy present decided to establish the Hungarian Institute for Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy (Institute) on 2nd December 2022 as per below:
The Institute functions as the organization to unite the trainings of Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy in Hungary and works under the professional and ethical directives of the following institutes: The International Focusing Institute, New York (TIFI;, European Network for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (, the Hungarian Council of Psychotherapy (HCP;, and the Hungarian Institute for Body Psychotherapy (HIBP; The trainings of the Institute are accredited by TIFI and HIBP.
Name: Hungarian Institute for Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy (HIFFOP)
Registered office: Fókuszolás Központ (Centre for Focusing), 1027, Budapest, Frankel Leó út 14., 1/3.
Legal status: The Institute is a member organization of the Hungarian Institute for Body Psychotherapy, and works by its professional and ethical directives.
- Education of Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy,
- Serving as the professional body for continuous, highly-qualified and ethically aligned trainings.